Turning Point
What is Turning Point?
Turning Point is an adult residential substance abuse treatment facility in Odessa that provides persons suffering with chemical abuse a safe and supportive environment to overcome their addictions.
Counseling and education focus on the first step of a 12 Step recovery process. A Cognitive-Behavioral approach to therapy is applied through reading and written assignments.

How can we help you thrive?
Intensive Residential Treatment
The 30-35 day intensive residential substance abuse treatment (IRT) program encourages and helps individuals change their behavior in order to obtain and maintain a lifestyle free of chemical dependency. It provides educational and motivational understanding and guidance to the person in treatment.
Referral to outpatient substance abuse treatment and/or a sober living environment is part of the discharge plan and continued care.
Services Include
Individual, group, & family counseling
Support group meetings
Guidance on 12-step process of recovery
Lectures on chemical dependency, relapse prevention, and living skills
Referral and placement for continued care
What to Bring
To Screening
- Proof of Texas residence
- Proof of income
- 35-day supply of Rx medications
To Program
- 1 week of clothing (no tank tops, muscle shirts, or spandex clothing allowed)
- Shower shoes
- All personal hygiene: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, body soap, comb or brush, hair care, and shaving products
- Laundry soap and fabric softener, if preferred
- Pillow and blanket, if preferred (if not, one will be provided)
What NOT to Bring
- No food or snacks allowed
- No magazine or books unless they pertain to recovery
- No radios, electronic games, videos, etc.
- No cell phones or pagers
- No expensive jewelry
- No large amounts of money
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a Texas resident (bring proof)
- Male or female, ages 18 to 99 (must be medically and psychiatrically stable)
- Persons with no income or health insurance may qualify for free treatment
- Persons with limited income may qualify for a sliding scale fee for services
- Persons with ability to pay for services: $113/day
Additional Information
Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is the basic therapeutic technique used while counseling in both levels of treatment. Alcoholics, addicts, and typical substance abusers learn inappropriate behaviors and negative thought patterns that contribute to a lifestyle that lacks honesty and discipline. Turning Point staff focuses on bringing the person back to a clear understanding of what is positive and helpful versus the unhealthy approach they have learned due to their lifestyle.
We have found the 12-step approach to recovery to be most helpful in this technique.
2000 Maurice Road
Odessa, TX 79763
(1/2 mile north of I20 on the corner of Maurice and West County Road)
(432) 580-2654