Substance Use
Disorder Services
For over 25 years, our facility has helped thousands of Texas residents overcome addiction and live healthy, satisfying lives.
We understand each person has their own unique needs; that is why we currently offer 6 different substance abuse programs, all staffed with trained and friendly professionals.
Each program has specific screening tools to determine if treatment is needed, what type of treatment is needed, and if other services could be beneficial. We also have residential treatment services (rehab) and outpatient treatment services for both adolescents and adults.

Do you or does someone you know need help?
Click the link below to take a brief questionnaire.
Substance Use Disorder Services
Program descriptions outlined below can be clicked on for more information.
Outreach, Screening, Assessment and Referral (OSAR) Services
Outreach, Screening, Assessment and Referral (OSAR) Services provide assessments and referrals to those who are looking for and need substance use services and/or support. The OSAR team conducts a screening to determine what type of services you need. Once that has been determined, the counselor will assist you in finding the right treatment provider or service needed. Click here for more information.
Turning Point
Turning Point provides intensive residential treatment (rehab) to adults needing more intensive treatment for their addictions. IRT is a very structured program with 24/7 supervision and support. Educational classes, group and individual counseling sessions, recreation, and 12-step meetings are some of the activities that make up the day. Click here for more information.
Fresh Start Program
The Fresh Start Program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment to adult men and women who do not need more intensive treatment. Click here for more information.
She’s For Sure Program
The She’s For Sure Program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment to adult women who have a history of substance abuse and have children under the age of 18 or are pregnant. Click here for more information.
Top Rank Youth Program
The Top Rank Youth Program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment for adolescents (ages 13 to 17) who do not require a more intensive form of treatment. Click here for more information.
Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder (COPSD) Program
The Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder (COPSD) Program provides services to those who have a mental illness and addiction issues. Services include individual counseling, case management, and referrals to outside resources. All of these help the client stay drug/alcohol free while managing the symptoms of their mental illness. Click here for more information.
All programs can be reached by calling:
This project is supported by Texas Targeted Opioid Response, a public health initiative operated by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission through federal funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant award number HHS000782500004.
Este proyecto cuenta con el apoyo del programa Respuesta a los Opioides en Texas, una iniciativa de salud pública dirigida por la Comisión de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas y financiada a través de fondos federales de la Administración de Servicios de Salud Mental y Abuso de Sustancias, subvención
número HHS000782500004.