Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services
If you or your loved one has a diagnosis of an Intellectual or Developmental Disability (IDD), we can help you enroll in services for both adults and children.
If you do not know if you have a diagnoses of IDD, we will help to determine your eligibility at no charge.
What is an intellectual or developmental disability?
An intellectual disability indicates below average intellectual functioning, which affects judgment, reasoning and academic learning. There are many qualifying developmental disabilities including: epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and autism.

What Services Are Available?
If you are eligible for services, we can connect you with services. These may include service coordination, residential services, dental, personal assistance, transportation, day programming, respite and supported employment.
Texas requires placement on a statewide “interest list” to access some programs and services. Early placement is recommended and allows more options when you need them. The interest list consists of individuals with an IDD across the entire state of Texas. Because of this, we recommend that you get placed on the statewide interest list as soon as possible, even before you need the services.
We can help you get placed on the interest list and answer any questions you may have about it.
For more information about IDD Authority Services:
Getting Started
If you are interested in the process, please call our Continuity of Care Specialist to schedule a meeting. Our Continuity of Care office is the first place you will need to go to get information about services, eligibility requirements, arranging for assessments, requesting documents and other information that will help to determine how to best help you or your loved one. You can contact our office in Odessa at (432) 580-2646 X3228 or in Midland at (432) 570-3385 X3115 or toll-free at 844-420-3966. Just ask for help with signing up for services.
How can we help you thrive?
Getting What You Need
When you are enrolled into services with us, you will be assigned a Service Coordinator. Your Service Coordinator will help you choose services to achieve your dreams and goals for your life, to be an active member in your community, to develop friendships, to be independent and to have a happy life. Their job is to be a strong advocate and ensure services provided to you meet your needs and expectations.
Service coordination is not just for adults. It can help you from childhood through adulthood. Your Service Coordinator wants to help you develop a plan to address all areas of your life and will help you identify your needs and find the services and supports within your community or surrounding communities to meet those needs.
PermiaCare Services
Choosing to add your name to the state Interest List will not affect your ability to access services now. If you are on the State Interest List or choose not to receive State services, you can still receive other services. There are many service providers in the Permian Basin. Some services that we can show you include:
- day services where you can participate in outings and activities with people your age
- vocational training where you can work on landscaping and janitorial crews
- behavior therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders or intense behavioral needs
- employment assistance to find a job in the community
- supported employment to keep a job in the community
- transportation to and from some of these services
- non-Interest List residential services (ICF)
- crisis intervention and respite
- habilitation coordination and specialized services for individuals with IDD in nursing facilities

State of Texas Community Based Services
If you are on the Texas Interest List and receive a program slot, you can now start receiving many different types of services while still continuing to get the services listed above. Some of the services you may qualify for include:
- dental benefits if you are over 21 years old
- adaptive aids, including:
- briefs
- nutritional supplements
- specialized medical supplies
- lifts for your vehicle
- hearing aids
- minor home improvements, such as:
- ramps
- modifications to your bathroom and kitchen
- residential options that include:
- assistance to live in your own home
- options for your family or another person of your choosing to get paid to assist you in your home or their home
- options to live in a home of your choice in the community with 3 or 4 other individuals, with staff to assist you in running your home
In order to secure a program slot for the State of Texas services listed above, you must first be added to the state Interest List. Program slots are limited by the State, so the sooner you see us to get put on the list, the better. We can’t wait to meet you and help you be your best you.
More information about PermiaCare Provided Services: